Forward to Positive

When one is consciously seeking positive change it is with a deliberate effort to gain a certain desired state. Seeking positive change is necessary in finding value-based solutions to getting to your ‘best self’. A focussed approach to get to a certain goal does help. However, what one focusses on can create the strain of juggling methods; and, trial and error can wear one down into a stage of doing nothing before reaching the so-called ‘end-value’. Getting to the right change that would exact the preferred result is not as easy as we think.

I have shared some change exercises that provide some ground work and insight into getting started on the right path to self-directed action. It takes patience and time, aside from knowing what you want. Working on a plan or a strategy is very important, especially if one wants lasting results.

To reiterate, change can be conscious and it can also be unconscious. Conscious change is certainly a preferred, and a deliberate move towards one’s goals. It is easier for adults to make conscious choices. Young children are not so conscious of their actions, and tend to be more reactive.  Mind you, there are many adults who are more reactive when it comes to making changes. Whether active or reactive, if the desired result happens, it is a definite win position.

It takes discipline and perseverance, and certainly patience in getting to the right change for oneself. Regardless of lifestyle, income bracket, social status, it does not matter. Forging ahead with putting into practice the necessary areas of change that gets you the results of a better state helps in every way, and when it has positive results, it feels good.

Spending time in one’s chaos is a necessary evil. I suggest you observe whatever chaos is occurring and again I suggest using your trusted notebook. Go ahead and write down all the areas of chaos happening around you and what is self-created as well. A lot of times, feeling tired, even a bit down can slow your progress. Do not fight it and go with the flow, but do not procrastinate with a feeling of defeat. Plan when you can push yourself a bit more. There are some people who work better with a schedule that they can fall back on, if for some time they have faltered. It is good once in a while to push oneself a bit to get some things done, even if one is not in the mood.

One of tests of knowing when a change is right is when there is a certain confidence in seeing results in the direction of your desires. Incremental success works and creates a sense of accomplishment. The topic of “Right Change” (as opposed to wrong) will be discussed in a series of blogs, and we will take a closer look into topic of finding equilibrium or balance.

Finding the right areas of change is important for you; whether that be an answer to a problem or to a pray, do not be afraid. Face what you need to adjust and just do it! Time waits for no one. Just remember one’s worse critic is themselves.  


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Seek Positive Change